Repayment using the dApp

One Page to payback all the active loans

Borrower repay

  1. Go to your Borrower profile

  2. Click on the loan that you would like to pay

  3. Choose whether you want to make a Minimum payment, Custom Amount, & Full payment

Borrower needs to go to this link<borrowerWalletAddress>/borrower

All the users active loans & their status will be visible here (Example shown below) . This should help the borrower payback their obligations on time & ensure they have good payment behaviour in the Teller Protocol

Status Definitions

On Time - Loan Payment has been made on time

Paid - The loan has been successfully paid

Due Soon - A payment is due in X days, please make a payment soon

Late Loans - The loan will be defaulted in X days, please make a payment soon

Defaulted Loans - This market considers a loan defaulted when payments are X days late


There are 3 options for payment of every loan

  • Pay Minimum Due - Pays the minimum required amount for the payment cycle, which ensures the borrower is not in default of the loan

  • Pay Full Amount Due - Pays the full amount due on the loan, which will ensure the entire loan obligation to the lender is paid back & the loan is closed from the books of the lender & borrower

  • Pay Custom Amount Due - Pays any custom amount that is between the Minimum Due & Full Amount Due

Last updated