Reward Allocators

Any account can use the contract MarketLiquidityRewards to allocate (deposit) tokens into the smart contract which can be redeemed by borrowers and lenders who are using the protocol in specific ways.

Specific parameters can be set as requirements for claiming rewards and a reward can only be claimed once per loan per allocation.

Reward Requirement Parameters (optional)

rewardPerLoanPrincipalAmount - The amount of reward token claimable per amount of loan principal. This number should be expanded by the principal token decimals.

requiredPrincipalTokenAddress - A loan must use this token as the 'lending token' to generate claimable rewards. If set to zero address, any lending token can be used.

requiredCollateralTokenAddress - A loan must use this token as collateral to receive rewards from this allocation. If set to zero address, any (or none) collateral tokens can be used.

minimumCollateralPerPrincipalAmount - A loan must be collateralized at least by this ratio (only checked if requiredCollateralTokenAddress is non-zero).

bidStartTimeMin - The minimum timestamp for which the loan must have been accepted.

bidStartTimeMax - the maximum timestamp for which the loan must have been accepted.

- Either BORROWER or LENDER, signifying the type of protocol user that can claim the rewards from this allocation

struct RewardAllocation {
    address allocator;
    address rewardTokenAddress;
    uint256 rewardTokenAmount;
    uint256 marketId;
    //requirements for loan
    address requiredPrincipalTokenAddress; //0 for any
    address requiredCollateralTokenAddress; //0 for any  -- could be an enumerable set?
    uint256 minimumCollateralPerPrincipalAmount;
    uint256 rewardPerLoanPrincipalAmount;
    uint32 bidStartTimeMin;
    uint32 bidStartTimeMax;
    AllocationStrategy allocationStrategy;

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