Pool Settings

New lending pools can be created by calling the function createMarket() on MarketRegistry.sol. Whenever new loans are created, they are always created within a lending pool (specified by marketId) and so they adopt the parameters of that pool such as paymentDefaultDuration and paymentCycleType.

 * @notice Creates a new market.
 * @param _initialOwner Address who will initially own the market.
 * @param _paymentCycleDuration Length of time in seconds before a bid's next payment is required to be made.
 * @param _paymentDefaultDuration Length of time in seconds before a loan is considered in default for non-payment.
 * @param _bidExpirationTime Length of time in seconds before pending bids expire.
 * @param _requireLenderAttestation Boolean that indicates if lenders require attestation to join market.
 * @param _requireBorrowerAttestation Boolean that indicates if borrowers require attestation to join market.
 * @param _paymentType The payment type for loans in the market.
 * @param _uri URI string to get metadata details about the market.
 * @param _paymentCycleType The payment cycle type for loans in the market - Seconds or Monthly
 * @return marketId_ The market ID of the newly created market.
function createMarket(
    address _initialOwner,
    uint32 _paymentCycleDuration,
    uint32 _paymentDefaultDuration,
    uint32 _bidExpirationTime,
    uint16 _feePercent,
    bool _requireLenderAttestation,
    bool _requireBorrowerAttestation,
    PaymentType _paymentType,
    PaymentCycleType _paymentCycleType,
    string calldata _uri
) external returns (uint256 marketId_)

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