Launch liquidity pool
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If you have not found a lending pool for your circumstance, you can permissionlessly launch new pools using the app frontend (+) or by using the contract SmartCommitmentFactory.
Pool configuration:
Supply token - ERC20 token that will be used for lending (borrowers will receive this token when accepting the pool loan).
Collateral token - ERC20 token that the borrowers will "lock" in Teller escrow when borrowing the supply token.
Collateralization ratio - the required collateral value needed relative to a loan amount, minimum is 100% (for example 500% ratio equates to $5 of collateral for every $1 borrowed, this translates to 20% LTV).
Duration per loan - maximum time that a loan can be outstanding, before defaulting.
Interest rate range - pool yield range (based on the amount actively borrowed vs the total amount available to borrow).
Once the transaction is confirmed in the connected wallet the new pool will show up in the pool page, each supply token will have it's own category.
Supply token can be any ERC20 token, either popular stablecoins or any other ERC20 tokens (for example use LINK as collateral to lend wETH as supply token).
Note: in order for the pool to support loan Extensions make sure the "supply token" is supported by Aave protocol, for rollovers to be successful an Aave flash loan is used on the backend.