Repaying your loan
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Repaying your loan is important in order to recover the collateral that was locked in the Teller Collateral Manager smart contract.
In order to repay your loan, visit the Teller Dashboard, connect your web3 account, and view all of your active loans. Depending on the Loan Market for the loan, repayment may need to be made in a regular interval, sooner than the full loan needs to be repaid.
The loan repayment dashboard will show you the next due date for the loan, the full or partial repayment amount for that due date, and your final due date when the entire balance will be due. This dashboard will also show information about the lender and information about the collateral assets that are locked for the duration of the loan.
As soon as you repay the loan fully, the Teller Protocol smart contract will send all of your collateral to you and you can do this at any time, until the loan duration expires.
In case there was a problem with your repayment or a different account repaid the loan for you, you can manually call methods on the Collateral Manager smart contract to force a withdraw of your collateral at any time as long as the Teller Protocol contract reports that the loan status is 'Fully Repaid'.