
The settings directory contains facets and libraries that pull necessary information needed from multiple assets, platform and modifiers.


Asset settings are stored using the Cache Lib, so they don't have their own library. Each asset used as a lending token has a set of settings assigned to them which are used in various functions.


The libraries directory contains information about multiple assets, including:

  • aToken found in AssetATokenLib

  • cToken found in AssetCTokenLib

  • yVault found in AssetYVaultLib

  • pPool found in AssetPPoolLib

The information pulled from these assets relate to their MaxDebtRatio, MaxLoanAmount and

MaxTVLLib, which are all in their respective solidity files.


The Data Facet uses the libraries to pull necessary information (MaxTVL & MaxLoanAmount) of different assets.


Perhaps the most used file in the entire directory, the Asset Settings Facet contains functions that do the following:

  • isAssetSettingsInitialized digs in the CacheLib to check if it's respective asset settings exists

  • getMaxTVLAmount gets the max total value locked of an asset

  • createAssetSetting creates settings for an asset in the CacheLib

  • updateAssetSetting updates an asset with the given parameter


Contains files that help pause and un-pause facets

  • PausableMods

    • Has the modifier paused which is used by multiple files in the protocol to check if a facet is paused or not

  • PausableFacet

    • Has the function pause, which is required to be called by the PAUSER role. It pauses the entire facet when passed true, un-pauses the asset when passed false


Contains files to modify the platform settings. All the platform settings are stored in the AppStorageLib

  • PlatformSettingsLib contains functions that retrieve the percentage value for submissions, maximum tolerance value, safety interval value, response expiry length and more

  • PlatformSettingsFacet contains functions that create, update and get platform settings value

  • names.sol contains all the variables of platform settings names that are hashed


Contains multiple functions that:

  • addAuthorizedAddress adds a wallet address to the list of authorized wallets

  • addAuthorizedAddressList adds a list of wallet addresses to the list of authorized wallets

  • removeAuthorizedAddress revokes the role of a wallet address from the list of authorized wallets by removing it

  • hasAuthorization checks whether an account has authorization by checking if it has the AUTHORIZED role

  • setNFTLiquidationController sets a new address to which NFTs should be sent to when liquidating an NFT

  • getNFTLiquidationController gets the new address where the NFTs are sent to be liquidated

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