Price Aggregator

Contains the Library and the Facet required to pull information on token prices in Chainlink.

  • ChainLinkAggFacet

  • ChainLinkAggLib contains functions that help:

    • isTokenSupported checks if a token is supported and has a pair aggregator

    • aggregatorFor grabs the ChainLink Aggregator address to check if a token pair is supported


Contains helper functions that:

  • getValueFor calculates the value of a source token amount into a destination token

  • priceFor calculates a price from Compound. If price isn't found from compound, then it tries to retrieve it from ChainLink

  • isCToken checks if a token is a cToken and returns the address of the token if true

  • compoundPriceFor retrieves the price of a source token in destination token from Compound

  • chainlinkPriceFor retrieves the price of a source token in destination token from ChainLink


Implements both the valueFor and priceFor functions to retrieve both values and prices of a source token to a destination token.

Last updated